Nick Schäferhoff

Editor in Chief

Here are 100 latest “Thank you” messages that we’ve received through our contact form.

This keeps us motivated to keep this guide up-to-date on a monthly basis.

Go back to the “How to Make a Website” guide (homepage).

“I can’t thank you enough for your help. You are really good to do this for people and your very prompt replies are easy to follow.” – John Thomas, February 2020

“Thank you for providing such a valuable service in such a clear and simple manner. I am in the initial stages of creating a website for myself and have found your website to be of great help.“ – David Mason, December 2019

“Thanks for the amazingly quick reply and I may be contacting you again as you have an amazing website breaking all of this stuff down for the common man, like me. “ – Ty Kelly, October 2019

“I wanted to say a huge thank you for having this beginner’s guide because this is my first time and it’s really opened my eyes to the world of web development.” – Neil, September 2019

“Thank you for your excellent website guide. It has been indispensable to me in creating my first website.” – Matthew Barouch, July 2019

“You made everything so simple, I thought this would be harder. Thank You.” – Carey, July 2019

“Thanks so much – incredibly helpful article and advice for the WooCommerce set up.” – Wendy Porrill, May 2019

“Thank you for creating the guide for setting up a website. It has been extremely helpful and easy to use!” – Melissa Cavalier, February 2019

“I’m writing to say thanks for the simple and helpful information. This brief breakdown saves me money and most importantly time. I cannot stress the importance of time when you are a one-man crew you start wearing hats and begin to run out of places to store them. So I used your link to Bluehost the least I can do for you. Keep up the good work.” – S. John, January 2019

“I am writing to say thank you so much. I just bought a domain name through Bluehost and am extremely grateful and impressed at the customer service and the information they give. We are in the process of coming out of the dark ages in relation to technology and I have been in information overload and chaos going through the sea of possibilities. I came upon your blog and was relieved to find such specific information and reviews.” – Shaina Medwed, January 2019

“Every once in a while somebody asks me to help them set up a website or for suggestions about how they can do it themselves. Now I can and will send these folks to your site, which seems like a terrific, well-organized, clear, and comprehensive resource which also is very accessible and interesting. Thanks so much for putting together such a helpful and clear resource!” – Tom Miller, November 2018

“Thank you so much! You really are amazing. Thank you for such a detailed, thorough and thoughtful reply. I really very much appreciate it, and you should know it is helpful beyond imagination because I have no clue whatsoever about anything that has to do with such technology. And you have a way to make it feel feasible.” – Sigal Greenberg, November 2018

“I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for creating and maintaining this website. I have been sending your guide to setting up WooCommerce to so many of my clients to help them save startup costs. This has saved me a ton of time and saved my clients a good amount of money.” – Debjit, August 2018

“Man, I cannot thank you enough for the wealth of clear and helpful information on your site! Thank you so much for what you do!” – Jim Payne, July 2018

“Thanks for the very helpful website. This is exactly what I’ve been needing for the last three years” – Jane, June 2018

“Thank you so much for creating such an easy to follow step by step guide on how to create a website. It has really helped me a lot, please keep doing what you are doing!” – Samantha Galindo, March 2018

“I just wanted to say hello because I wanted to thank you for this awesome guide!
I always wanted to do my own website with the goal to turn it into my own business, but I never had the knowledge, support from someone or the guts to do it on my own, until I found your guide!” – Tim, January 2018

“Great guide and incredibly helpful. It spurred me to want to start my website!” – Nick Hamilton, December 2017

“I don’t have enough words to say thank you for this wonderful step by step guide for a website, now I can proudly launch my website ASAP. Thank you so so so much.” – Alka, December 2017

“I was looking for a guide on how to create a website and I came across your blog and I am sooooooooo thankful that I clicked your site from the list. It was such a big help for beginners like me who does not have any idea of creating websites. You explained the instructions so well that it made me understand everything so easily. No technical words at all! So amazing! Thank you for doing it for free.” – Leslie, October 2017

“Let me say thank you for the truly fantastic beginner’s guide to WordPress – I and others appreciate that you have offered such a valuable resource to the community.” – Ryan Renteria, October 2017

“I like your websitesetup guide. It is easy to follow and I can picture that I am building a website while reading your guide. Thank you very much for providing the great information online.” – Michael Zhang, September 2017

“I found your guide incredibly helpful in building my website. I didn’t know even the most basic website building lingo when I started trying to build my website, but your guide saved the day!” – Cherity, August 2017

“Thanks for setting up this How-To guide for web designer novices! I’m a yoga teacher attempting to create a site to advertise my classes and your site was SUPER helpful.” – Rachel, July 2017

“I am a newbie and your information is superb! I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I appreciate all of your information. Changing careers and want to learn Web Design and Coding. Starting with a website for my sister-in-law that is a jewelry artist. You have made that possible and I believe I can do this!” – Cindy, June 2017

“I came across your website when exploring ways to go about building/setting-up website and yours is by far the most informative and helpful I have found, so thank you! “ – Brian Sigman, May 2017

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for your wonderful guides. I am about to embark on a journey of discovery and learning to make my own webpage and really appreciate the work you have been gracious enough to share with the world, what a beautiful quality in a person. You have my endless gratitude admiration and respect.” – Jon, May 2017

“Your website is so impressively helpful. Thank you for providing the information in such a succinct and easy way.” – Alison, April 2017

“I have just read through the first bit of your webpage. It was so impressive that I stopped midway and thought to thank you for putting in this brilliant piece of work. The way you have explained everything is exactly how a non-techy person would want to understand things. Brilliant Job!” – Amit, February 2017

“Just to say “thank you” for your article – as a beginner, I found the information helpful.” – Warren Mack, February 2017

“I’d like to commend you on the hard work and effort that you put in to informing and teaching us novices on the end’s and out’s on WordPress and website builders. You are truly an excellent resource and keep up the good work!” – Kevin Bailey, June 2017

“I wanted to thank you for your work and the help you submit through your articles. It gave me a really great understanding of how to get started and of what is needed and what not.” – Steff, June 2017

“Thank you so very, very much! This is most helpful and informative. I shall use this great advice to start building my online magazine.” – Nirmal, January 2017

“Your website is the most useful thing I’ve seen in such a long time! I started off with absolutely no clue of doing a website for my new business but with your instructions, I am pleased with the results!” – Miyuru, May 2017

“I am a long time reader and I find your website WebsiteSetup extremely informative. I really cherish the useful tips I get from your posts.” – Oksana, May 2017

“Hi, can I just say thanks for an incredibly helpful site! Awesome stuff, really appreciate the help!” – Dan, April 2017

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this very informative article. I believe I read it four times already!!” – Sofia, March 2017

“Thank you so much for your most USEFUL and EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE website! It was such a great help!!”– Catherine, February 2017

“I found your website super useful and very easy to follow! Thank you so much!” – Rebecca Hall, January 2017

“Thank you for the comprehensive guide to starting a website, I find it really useful and I am inspired to create my own website.” – Jim Heng, January 2017

“I would like to start my saying thank you so much for this amazing website. I can’t believe I set up my own website! I followed your guide and links and can’t believe how easy it has been.” – Elizabeth Turner, July 2016

“Thank you for putting out the information on your site. We have been getting quotes for a WordPress site from developers for a while now and I’ve always had the feeling that it doesn’t need to cost £2,000 minimum to set up our new site. Your website has given me the confidence to try putting ours together first” – Scott, February 2016

“I wanted to thank you, your article on making a website really helped me. In class, we’re doing a project on making a website and we were told to read this.” – Elena, June 2016

“You must be an angel sent from above! I have read thousands of pages and tried to find a solution for my case, but now I found your site!” – Alex, May 2016

“I am an Accountant, you can understand how far i could be from Website development thing but the way you explained you make me feel like a professional designer. Thank you so much for your help.” – Faizan, May 2016

“I just want to say thank you very much for the guide and the information to set up a website. I have been dying to set up a website but I did not know until I read your website. You are a real champ. The world needs people like you.” – Tolo, April 2016

“Just to say thanks for such helpful easy to understand guide. Very much appreciated!” – Richard Niles, March 2016

“I am amazed at the level of detail you gave about building a website. I have been on the lookout for a website creation learning site. I did come across great articles that helped a lot but yours is the greatest of the great. I am so thankful to you.” – Reddy, February 2016

“Your site solved my exact problem that I was trying several hours to solve simply by the manner that you delivered the content. I even sat in a 2 hour “Intro to WordPress” class at General Assembly and your site is what worked. Thanks so much! Just wrote to say you rock!” – Lucy, February 2016

“I have never found something more useful in internet than this. I felt ashamed to leave towards making my site without to share as well as to say thanks for all I have learned from you.” – Razack, February 2016

“I can’t thank you enough! I’ll be sure to let people know all about your simple and straight-forward starter site for noobs like me!” – Jeromy, February 2016

“I just wanted to express my gratitude for your website and instructions. It’s been a while since I’ve made a website and I think working in a kitchen has made me dumber. I was so frustrated with the wording of everything and your step by step guide was exactly what I needed. I still frequent your site when I have problems. Thank you thank you thank you!” – Kristi, January 2016

“Just want to say thank you for your website! I didn’t know that creating our own website is that easy! Good information provided in a simple and easy manner. Will be visiting again! Thank you so much.” – Bhupinder, January 2016

“I just wanted to say that your page has been super helpful for me while I’m setting up my blog! Thanks!!” – Samantha, January 2016

“I just wanted to say thank you for the help your website gave me in setting up a domain, host and WordPress. I have wanted to “crack this” for years and seeing it all appear this morning (after spending yesterday evening thinking it hadn’t worked) was brilliant. The layout and writing on your website is excellent.” – Charlotte, January 2016

“I wanted to say a huge thank you not only for the wealth of information which you have shared. That has enabled me to set up my website in less time than I thought I’d spend researching how to do it (under 5 hours)! But no, not only have you painstakingly posted all of this info, but you have volunteered to take (likely inane) questions from people like me who are still ironing out the edges. You are amazing! “ – Rebecca Blair, November 2016

“I just want to first thank you for all that you do here on your site. You are the reason why I was able to decide to use WordPress, and I’ve started working on putting together my site.” – Lindsay, August 2016

“Many thanks for all the information on your website about setting up a website. It was very useful and very simple to understand.” – Celeste, September 2016

“I want to tell you that all the articles posted on your site are very, very understandable, useful and inspiring!” – David, September 2016

“I’m a UK journalist and wanted to congratulate you on an excellent website. The informative is perfect and gives inspiration to people like me who wonders if I can set up my own site.” – Richard Webber, September 2016

“I came across your website today, it’s very useful. I feel more confident in DIY my website. Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s really helped a lot.” – Tiffanie, August 2016

“I just want to thank you so much for your simple and clear instructions and tools you shared to create a website. I have been thinking of creating one and now I actually feel like this is plausible!! “ – Chaya, June 2016

“I just wanted to say much thanks to you on the information that you provided on using WordPress. I am an IT teacher and recently my school entered a competition where we have to create a website for our school. One of the recommended platforms to use was WordPress. Since I have never used it and time is sort of against us, I am really happy with the useful information that I was able find here to share with my kids.” – Dionne, April 2016

“I would like first to thank you for your dedication and your kindness for putting up this very beautiful and useful website, which everyone can really use and appreciate. Although I am not a tech person at all, I found the instructions very easy to follow.” – Kate Evans, March 2016

“Thank you for your website. It’s very useful and informative. I feel now more confident than ever to create my website as a freelance translator.” – Zanoni, March 2016

“You’ve put together really useful content for your site. I have been in the software industry for almost 20 years and I find the straight forward delivery in your guides a compelling reason to recommend it to anyone I know!” – Eva-Lynne, February 2016

“A million thank you. Your website is so informative and the best thing about you is, you have explained steps in such a way that even a common man with no technical knowledge can understand the process of creating website. I’m very happy and grateful for you and this website.” – Om, March 2016

“Thank you so much for this page, you have no idea how much it helped me!” – Sheridan, May 2016

“I must say thank you for having provided such a helpful, easy-to-follow guide to getting to grips with WordPress and all the initially daunting business of setting up a website. I ended up having an easier time than I thought in creating my website, but that’s because you helped indicate where to start and what was what – invaluable!” – Cecile Rozuel, September 2016

“Thanks a lot for the content you provide. It’s really helped me make some decisions and I’m planning to migrate to WordPress already. Your guides are helping me get familiarized with WP.” – David Bourne, August 2016

“Super clean and easy to use site you have here! Appreciate all you are doing for non-coders like myself” – John, March 2016

“Hey, you were super helpful for getting me started with setting up a website. I would have had no idea where to begin without your post so thanks very much!” – Becca Waugh, February 2016

“Coming from a non-IT background, I know very little about how websites function, and now that I need to set something up of my own, I was struggling around in the dark :-). But your website certainly helped answer a lot of questions, so thanks so much for that.” – Ramya, February 2016

“Thank you for creating such an easy-to-follow website-creating guide – I believe it will be my saving grace with a current project.” – Sara, May 2016

“I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful step-by-step guide for creating a website. You’re clearly awesome.” – Katie Yuvan, April 2016

“Thank you for publishing this site. It has given me the confidence to move forward on putting together my own ecommerce site.” – Evelyn, December 2015

“Thank you for explaining how to set up a website. Your site is very easy to follow. It’s still a work in process but I’m getting there faster with your help. Thanks again!” – Melissa, December 2015

“Just wanted to thank you for all the guidance I have been receiving through your site for developing my first site. Your site is the best source of info for beginners like me. It took away all the doubts and fears I had about website development. Thanks!!” – Siddesh, August 2015

“I absolutely LOVE the site! This is the best resource out there that simplifies the usage of WordPress while adding additional content about how to get that blog/site up and running. It’s amazing!” – Brian, December 2015

“Thank you for your wonderful site. It is great to find an accessible looking site which doesn’t scare off the non-techie like me.” – Alix, November 2015

“Thank you for your help. This is an amazing service that you offer and I have benefited greatly from your tutorials.” – Andrew, October 2015

“I want to thank you so much for contributing such great resources to help people like me build a site. With your help I have started work on what I think is going to be an amazing website.“ – Chris Martinez, August 2015

“Thank you for making this guide! I set out to become an author a couple years ago with my only knowledge being that I could write. I’ve since learned that finding success in this realm takes a lot more than just having a book, and sites like this are the main reason I’ve been able to continually push forward alone. Creating a website seemed somewhat intimidating to me, but not anymore. Thanks again!” – Eros, December 2015

“I came across your website and it’s so useful and powerful for beginners like me. I really appreciate your effort to help others.” – Abu, October 2015

“I just came across your site and felt like even non-tech people can understand and implement the knowledge. Thanks for writing such a good article.” – Kiran, October 2015

“I used your guide to create my own homepage in the last few days and first of all I want to say thanks, because I never thought I could do this by myself and now I have already created several posts and I’m super happy.” – Kathrin, September 2015

“Let me thank you for your awesome blog and your very useful advice. Really it was so helpful that I made my website with zero experience in programming!” – Mohamad, September 2015

“I would like to say thank you for your step by step guide, it is the most useful guide I have read on setting up a website. I wish I found it before!” – Rekha, August 2015

“It was really great to bump into this website. You have truly simplified this for average folks who have very little exposure to this. Kudos!” – Eduardo, September 2015

“A few days ago I came across your website and guides and it truly helped me out a lot already! Very clear, easy to understand every single step; so thank you for that!” – Sabrina, November 2015

“Not just “An easy, step-by-step guide from a web developer” but also from one who HAS a nice-looking, easy-to-navigate website, and who actually understands what “beginner” means. Congratulations!” – Anna, October 2015

“Great reviews. There is so much clutter, scamming and misinformation about website building out there your unbiased insight is refreshing. “ – Rich Partain, December 2016

“I would like to say that your writing style is absolutely earthy and texts are so easy to engage with:) Just from reading your blog I felt as if I knew you for ages! You have saved so, so, so much time and hassle for me indeed.” – Simona, November 2015

“I have gone through your detailed guide on creating a website. It is really very comprehensive, very well-drafted and written in highly user-friendly (easy to understand) manner. Moreover, all these guidance and support are totally free, which is all the more greatly commendable.” – Rajeev, August 2015

“Thank you so much for creating your blog, it is so useful and so clear! ? Super appreciative on helping me out.” – Joan, November 2015
“I was going through your website and online store setup guide and found it extremely helpful. On behalf of all of us non-coders please let me thank you for the effort you have put in to make this simple for all of us to understand.” – Pratik, November 2015

Read The Full Guide on How to Make a Website